Recently, Sun of the Wonder Girls was seen at a musical, on a date with her fiancee James Park, with her fellow members Yenny and Yubin tagging along.
Her label mate Joo posted on Facebook with the message,“Yenny unni, Yubin unni, Professor Hye Jin, Sun unni, and brother-in-law. After watching the daytime show, everyone at Dongguk University that took a group shot and left, please send your photo. kekeke.”
Fans who saw the photo replied, “Sun’s fiancee is handsome,” “Sun looks happy,” and “Congrats on your wedding.”
Sun’s wedding, to be held on January 26th, 10:30 PM KST at Seoul’s Lotte Hotel, is to mark the end of her promotional career with the Wonder Girls.
Source: Allkpop
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