It’s amazing what people can accomplish when they work together for good. As K-Pop fans, we are blessed with many idols that are not only extremely talented, but also generous benefactors and deeply caring individuals. TVXQ’s Yunho is such a person.
Yunho has a history of being mindful of those less fortunate, as just last year he was named the official ambassador of “Korea Food for the Hungry International.” An education center was built to aid locals in Ghana, and this year, in celebration of Yunho’s birthday and debut anniversary, the fans donated toward the creation of another. I can’t think of a better present, and I’m fairly certain that Yunho feels the same.
This new center was completed on February 20th, located in Northern Ghana. It provides not only a learning system for the local children, but also will provide them with meals. It’s expected that around 200 children will attend here, and as this particular area often does not have enough to eat, a center like this can have a huge impact.
The “Yunho Education Center” had its opening ceremony on the 23rd, which was attended by local residents and leaders, including 500 children. The residents held banners that said “Thank you Korea, Thank You Yunho!,” and several local officials spoke, echoing these sentiments.
Check out some photos from the gathering, as well as of the center itself:
If that doesn’t warm your heart, I’m not sure what will. I applaud the Cassies that made this possible, and I applaud Yunho for serving as the inspiration for such a grand act of kindness. Even K-Pop fans can make a difference, and a huge one at that.
Stay tuned for more updates on your favorite Korean stars!
Source: DailyNews
Edited by: Chaima
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