Jung Joon Young has finally revealed his official fandom name! This was his gift for his fans during his birthday celebration. He had made the announcement on multiple social media sites to celebrate the fandom name!
Any guesses what it may be? Watch the announcement below!
[NOTICE]#정준영(#JungJoonYoung) 공식 팬클럽
‘#정브라히모비치‘ 1기 모집 영상 공개????
모집기간: 2017.2.21 PM 5 ~ 3.20 PM 5
가입처(https://t.co/Temut9q5op) pic.twitter.com/F62zXbke5A— 정준영 공식 트위터 (@official_JYrock) February 20, 2017
That’s right, Jung Joon Young’s fans are now called ‘Jungbrahimovic‘! This fandom name was the most voted for, by his fans. The name came about from a story that he told during ‘1 Night 2 Days‘.
After hearing a well-known Manchester United soccer player’s surname (Zlatan Ibrahimovic), he thought it was cool and filed to change his surname to it! The fandom name has therefore come about from his surname and the soccer player’s surname put together.
So are you a ‘Jungbrahimovic’?
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Source: Jung Joon Young Twitter Page
Written By: Tracey
Edited By: Acacia
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