This is his first public appearance since his lawsuit against SM Entertainment. His movie debut is...
It’s been announced that Infinite will be releasing a movie into theaters! The title is being translated...
Super Junior’s Donghae, 4minute’s Jihyun, FT Island’s Seunghyun, and Seo Eunah are among the all-star cast members...
On September 29th, Park Bo Young’s role in Jung Kihoon’s latest film “You Call That Passion” was...
Ku Hye Sun is on her way onto becoming a well-respected director! Her third featured film “Daughter”...
Don’t get confused with the movie title and Hoya‘s name. The dancing machine of Infinite will be...
Korean movie “Tazza 2: Hand of God,” starring BIGBANG‘s T.O.P, is doing extremely well at the box...
“The Admiral : Roaring Currents” has been setting records both in Korea and the U.S , but...
“The Admiral: Roaring Currents” – the Korean historical movie had already achieved great success in its domestic...
Movies are a great way to learn about Korea, its history, society and trends. Officially KMusic compiled...
Kris has been very busy with making his debut as an actor and continues trying to establish...
Terminator fans should prepare themselves for the latest in casting news for the upcoming 5th installment in...