We here at Officially KMusic love bringing our readers new segments and sharing different points of view with you. And for this new segment we are really trying to do the latter.
Many of you will probably recognize one of our regular writers, Angelspatience. The new face in this article is someone you may know if you follow our Facebook page (which I hope you do) and that is none other than Rafa, the assistant page manager.
They both happen to be on the higher end of the age spectrum when it comes to being a K-Pop fan, thought they have asked me to not divulge any numbers and had both thought it would be neat to produce a new segment giving our readers an older fans perspective.
When they realized they were both on the same idea track, an even more wonderful idea was hatched. The two would team up and give their opinion from both sides of the coin and even discuss each others views to further expand on their topic choices.
So to start off this wonderful new collaboration the duo have decided to tackle the controversy on everyone’s tongues recently “Are girl groups doing sexy right?“.
Rafa: I have been a K-Pop fan since 2009 and being a male it was a girl group that brought me into the world of K-Pop, but the girl group image of 2009 is a far cry to the image of the 2014 girl groups.
Angel: And I actually have been a fan since 2009 as well but it was a male group that caught my attention and hooked me. Though I do agree with Rafa, the girl group image I was met with in 2009 is a far cry from the one that is being portrayed in 2014.
Rafa: Many will say that that the “sexy concept” has always been around since the “Big 3,” Fin.K.L, S.E.S, and Baby V.O.X. The question is though have today’s girl groups pushed the boundaries too far. It has even come to the point where the Korean Communications Standards Commission (KCSC), has had to step in due to the strong sexual concepts.
Angel: We may not always agree with the KCSC and sometimes I know we get upset with what groups they target and for what reasons but that doesn’t mean they are always wrong.
Rafa: Critics will say that the girl groups have had to do this in order to gain more male fans. After all, mean are visual creatures by nature. A.O.A (Ace of Angels) members have said that they have been encouraged to put their sub unit, A.O.A. Black, on hold, as its concept is not as popular with Military Service men.
Angel: Some critics might also be heard saying that girl groups are going for the more “sexy concept” due to Western influences and to try and break into the Western market but is this really the right way to go about it?
Rafa: So have they gone too far? Let’s take a look at a few videos and see.
Girl’s Day – “Something”
Rafa: I have many male friends who say Girl’s Day equals porn. Though I would not go that far in calling them that, they do know how to play to their male fans. From the high slits in their skirts down to their “Drop it” choreography.
Angel: I would agree, their concept designer definitely knew what they were up to. But I don’t find their outfits to be all that bad and actually besides the slit I find them more sensual than sexual. The choregraphy on the other hand, well they definitely made good use of that feather prop.
A.O.A. – “Mini Skirt”
Angel: I actually found the scenes outside the dance clips to be the most sexual. The close ups and the camera pans were just way beyond unnecessary. The whole shower scene was mostly a “what the heck” moment for me and left me shaking my head.
Rafa: The ladies of A.O.A are by no means shy in this video, from images of members asleep in bed to the a member eating a strawberry in a very suggestive manner. Couple that with choreography that accentuates their S-Lines and you begin to wonder if you are watching a video or a Maxim Magazine shoot.
Rainbow Blaxx – “Cha Cha”
Rafa: The ladies of Rainbow Blaxx in my opinion really went a little overboard here. From them laying on the couches together to them feeding each other, this video was no doubt made for the male fans to appreciate.
Angel: I’m pretty positive the members of Rainbow Blaxx fulfilled many fans fantasy with this video. From their outfits, though I didn’t mind the stage ones as much, to the positions they take as the camera pans in, to that spread leg dance move it’s all just too much together.
Stellar – “Marionette”
Angel: To be fair, I don’t have a problem with most of Stellar’s dance outfits, reminds me of ballet leotards, accept the burgundy one, that one needed the black short shorts. Unfortunately that is the only thing I’m alright with. Most of the dance moves are sexy under normal circumstances but in those costumes it’s way over the top. And that doesn’t even begin to address the non-dance clips. I was completely stunned and left with my mouth hanging open for the scene when the milk dribbles down the chin and on-wards and the camera pans after it.
Rafa: Stellar follows the formula for K-Pop girl groups as of late – very little clothing, complete abandonment of previous fun or innocent concepts, and choreography that accentuates the members’ sexuality.
Kim Sori – “B.I.K.I.N.I.”
Rafa: Singer Kim Sori’s summer special single “B.I.K.I.N.I” is actually a good example of how the sexy concept is done right. As the song title suggests all the females are in bikinis. The song is fun and flirty without all the sexual overtones.
Angel: I have to partially disagree with Rafa on this one. I don’t mind the girls running around and dancing in their bikinis. It’s what the song is about, it’s summer, they are on a yacht/beach makes sense. My problem and where, in my opinion, this music video slips from good sexy to bad is the close ups. Was it really necessary to have so many crotch shots? Or that water running down between the breasts? And honestly watching Sori play in the waves on the beach sort of knocked it into swimsuit calendar mode for me.
After School – “First Love”
Angel: I actually feel like I really need to applaud the girls of After School, this music video could have easily slipped into a very soft core porn film. Yes they are pole dancing but I feel it’s done in a more artistic way, showcasing the strength it takes to perform these moves. I actually found the dance they did on the floor to be the sexier aspect of this video.
Rafa: Every time I watch this video I have an uncontrollable urge to throw dollar bill at the screen. The way this video is filmed to me, at least, gives you the impression that you are at the club and After School is wanting you to make it rain.
Rafa: It should be noted that South Korea’s notoriously unregulated entertainment industry will have to guarantee minors the right to sleep, learn and say no to being sexualized as of July 29, 2014.
Angel: That is as long as they don’t have their guardians consent to do otherwise.
Rafa: This has the potential to especially affect groups like T-ara N4 as their newest member Dani is 16 by Korean standards and 15 by international. Other groups that will be effected are 15& and Seventh Grade Class 1.
Angel: This law is long overdue and in most other countries, with large entertainment industries, similar and even stricter regulations have been in place for some time.
Rafa: I for one am glad to see this new law, especially, with older established groups adding new younger members. I feel much more relieved that the younger members will be portrayed in an age appropriate manner
Angel: I agree, with more and more groups debuting each year it is good to know that now they finally have a law that protects them.
Angel: After all this, in closing, I just wish to say I don’t think there is anything wrong with sexy done right and that’s where the problem lies, because K-Pop is not doing it right 95% of the time. I just really feel that there is little to no concept in the industry on what is sexy and what is raunchy.
Rafa: I have to agree with Angel that sexy done right is good. For me a good example of this is MAMAMOO’s “Mr. Ambiguous.” A sexy song backed up with a simple sexy dance routine. It is my hope that the K-Pop industry will get back to making quality music and not having to rely on a “sexy concept” to sell records.
So Officially KMusic readers what did you think of the first “Oppa Said Noona Said” article? Do you agree with Rafa’s or Angel’s point of view? Or did you agree with neither of them? Make sure you let us know in the comment section below your thoughts on all this.
Edited by: Karolina
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry