AleXa (알렉사) is a Korean-American solo artist. After competing in both seasons of the reality show ‘Rising...
Tulsa native AleXa made a stop in her home-state of Oklahoma on her first U.S. tour on...
Get yourself something to drink and be prepared for yet another long article to lead you through...
On February 26th and 28th, rookie star ALEXA dropped two teasers for her second single comeback, ‘Do Or Die’. Check them out below! ALEXA ‘DO OR DIE’ TEASERS: In the first teaser, we see ALEXA waking up from a hospital bed in an abandoned building. A statement shows ‘Project 01‘ is completed...
On February 25th, ALEXA released the MV for her pre-release single ‘A.I Trooper’ ahead of her March...