The news about the fatal car accident in which Ladies’ Code member EunB died was devastating not only for the group’s fans, but also to all K-Poppers around the world. Our beloved K-Pop idols have also been deeply impacted by this tragic event.
Go Eunbi was born on November 23rd, 1992. She attended the Hanlim Multi Art School which is known for being a school many Korean idols have attended.
It was not a secret that she was related to SBS‘s anchor Kim Sung Joon who was an in-law. Polaris Entertainment commented on the two’s relationship saying, “Kim showed special affection for EunB and looked after her since her childhood. He also gave EunB, who is about to make her debut in the entertainment industry, a lot of advice as a broadcast senior.”
She was officially introduced to the K-Pop world on February 27th, 2013 – just a few days before Ladies’ Code debuted with their mini-album “Code#1 Bad Girl.” As a member of the group, EunB was nicknamed Lovely Code and it seems that she lived up to it. Being a sub-vocal of Ladies’ Code, EunB saw the group achieving a great success everytime they came back with a new song. Their debut song ranked high on real-time charts such as Soribada, Daum, and Naver, and it only got better with every new song released. The culmination of their hard work was Ladies’ Code winning the “New Artists of the Year” at the 2014 Gaon Chart Awards. Their latest song “Kiss Kiss” was released on August 7th and continued to show that Ladies’ Code were talented group by doing excedingly well on various music charts.
EunB was a very popular friend among other K-Pop idols. After hearing the terrible news, many celebrities released their pain via their Twitter accounts.
Block B‘s Jaehyo wrote, “I promised to buy her a cake as she kept showing off that tomorrow is her birthday. My heart hurts from remembering the image of her back view as she walked towards her car. I read that Rise is now out of surgery and that Sojung has gained consciousness. Please pray for them and that they will recover soon.”
내일 생일이라고 꺄르르거리며 자랑해서 꼭 케잌챙겨주겠다고 약속햇는데 차타러 가던 뒷모습이 자꾸 생각나서 맘이너무아프네요 이제 수술이 끝난 멤버분도있고 인터넷 소식보니까 소정이는 의식도 회복했다는 글이있네요 아프지말고 건강해지라고 한번만더 기도해주세요
— 안재효 (@blockbhyo) September 3, 2014
DEMION‘s Lee Sang Bum posted, “Eunbi promoted at the same time as us… She was so bright and pretty. I offer my deepest condolences.”
저희 랑 같은시기에 활동했던 레이디스코드의 은비양…참 밝으시구 예쁘셨는데. 삼가고인의 명복을 빕니다. — Lee sang bum (@andy0455) September 3, 2014
Super Junior‘s Ryewook shared, “She was such a courteous beautiful junior.. my heart hurts. please pray for eunbi. i offer my deepest condolences. her fellow members must be the most in pain. please sympathise with them. their manager is also having a hard time, trying to take take in many schedules. please drive safely.”
인사성 밝던 예쁜 후배였는데.. 마음이 아픕니다 은비를 위해 기도해주세요. 삼가고인의 명복을 빕니다. 옆에 있는 멤버들이 가장 힘들텐데. 여러분 위로 많이 해 주시고요. /지금도 많은 스케줄을 소화 할 매니저님들 고생하십니다. 안전 운전 부탁드릴게요.
— Ryeowook (@ryeong9) September 3, 2014
Ju Hyeji wrote, “I offer my deepest condolences.. please pray for them.. I still haven’t forgotten the time we shared our dreams with each other.. my heart hurts so much.. rest in peace Eunbi.” 2AM‘s Jo Kwon shared, “It is extremely heart wrenching news. She was starting the rest of her life at the age of full bloom.. I will be praying wherever I go. I offer my deepest condolences. I pray that the other members and staff may recover soon.”
너무 너무 마음이 아픈소식입니다.. 꽃다운 나이에 이제 시작인데.. 마음속으로 언제나 기도 하겠습니다. 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다 다른 멤버분들과 스텝분들도 하루빨리 회복하시길 기도하겠습니다.. — JO KWON (@2AMkwon) September 3, 2014
Block B’s Taeil also wrote, “Just a few hours ago, I greeted her… It’s scary too and so regretful. We pray for her and offer our deepest condolences. We hope the other injured will have a fast recovery.”
불과 몇시간전에 인사드렸던 분인데.. 무섭기도 하고 너무 안타깝네요 고인의 명복을 빕니다. 다른 부상자분들도 빠른 회복을 빕니다
— 이태일 (@BB_taeil) September 3, 2014
BTS’ Black Monster shared, “This is Rap Monster. I respectfully express my condolences. They were colleagues I saw often because our promotions always overlapped, and they were always passionate and beautiful people. I sincerely hope that those in the hospital will recover as soon as possible. We will likewise pray.”
랩몬입니다. 삼가 조의를 표합니다. 늘 활동이 겹쳐 자주 뵈었던 동료들이었고, 늘 열정적이고 아름다운 분들이었어요. 병원에 있는 분들 모두 한 시라도 빨리 나아지길 진심으로 바라고 바랍니다. 저희도 기도할게요. pic.twitter.com/ZcoSwUk2Yd
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) September 3, 2014
There is no cure for the pain EunB’s family, friends and fans must feel right now. May she rest in peace and other members recover quickly.
Edited by: Angelspatience
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