Listening to 4Minute’s “Crazy” is frustrating because I can’t help but think that the sum is LESS than the parts in this music video. I very much want to like this release, because the styling and the sound is in the vein of music I like, but several of the parts ruin the rest of the music video for me.
To start with the sound, I enjoy most of the piece, especially when divided up into the different musical sections. I like the bridge, the verses and the beginning part of the chorus, but all separately from one another. When brought together, it feels very disjointed. What does me in is the second part of the chorus where Hyuna starts sing-talking. Her voice, along with the repetitive instrumental in the background is excessively annoying and pulls me out of the whole piece. I feel that if that small section was removed from every chorus, I wouldn’t get annoyed with the instrumentals and this would be a song that I would be playing 24/7.
As for the visuals of the song, I was mostly pleased. I liked the dance, and the way the video was cut for the most part. The dance had a lot of butt focused moves, but the way 4minute moved and interacted with the camera it was almost like they were shaking it to say “see what you can’t have.” It was sexy but it was powerful and I liked that. It’s even more unfortunate that I dislike the way the chorus sounds because the cinematography along with the dance during those sections is the strongest out of the whole video. The problem that I had with the dance was with the way they had interacted with some backup dancers, and how the women back up dancers were presented to the viewer. At some points the dancers were literally reduced to dancing butts, and from 2:38-2:42, two backup dancers butts and legs were reduced to armrests and handrails. 4minute is a group known for being strong, but I feel like those visuals in particular helped to undermine their usual image.
The way the music video was shot and the way the ladies were styled was as if slight bits of G Dragon’s “One of a Kind” got mixed into Destiny Child’s “Soldier” video. I thought it suited all of the members well. I particularly liked the hats with the individual member’s names on them.
All and all, I feel like at times I can be particularly hard on 4minute because I really like them and want to absolutely love everything they do and touch. In this case, it comes down to a small section of the chorus that makes the whole thing fall apart for me. Fortunately, as I get more used to the instrumental, I’ll be able to power through that section so I can listen to the rest of the song. Also based on the fan cam of the club performance at Ellui, I have a feeling that I’ll really enjoy their live stages. The energy that this song brings is too much not to get swept up in the performance.
What did you think about 4minute’s latest comeback? Did you loved it, were you on the fence (like me) or is it not your cup of tea? Let me know!
Source: 4minute Official, Miumiu Yang
Edited by: LeighDarling
- Angry 00%
- Sad 00%
- Bored 00%
- Amused 00%
- Fascinated 00%
- Excited 00%