B.A.P. have just had their 3rd victory on ‘Inkigayo‘ with their new hit song “1004 (Angel)“. The boys were very elated and thankful for all of the support and love from their Baby‘s.
Himchan uploaded a selca onto his official Twitter account with the message, “우리 짱짱걸 베이비! 이렇게 행복해도 될까 싶을정도로 행복한 마음 들게 만들어줘서 감사해요 감동이에요 우리 달려요 #BAP1004”
Translation: “Our jjang jjang girl (T/N: best girls) Babys! Thank you for making me so happy to the point where I wonder if I’m allowed to be this happy. I’m touched. Let’s run forth #BAP1004”
The other boys also took the time out to thank their beloved Baby’s with the following messages on their Twitters:
Daehyun: “요새 기분이 좋은일만 자꾸 생기네요!!!! ㅠ ㅠ. 정말 행복합니다. ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ. 고마워요 여러분!!!! 정말 감사합니다!!! 고마워요 baby~!!!!”
Translation: “Only happy things keep happening lately!!!! ㅠㅠ. I’m really happy. ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Thank you everyone!!!! Thank you so much!!! Thank you baby~!!”
Youngjae: “여러분들과 함께 할 수 있어서 영광이고 감사해요. 우리를 최고라고 생각해주고 또 최고로 만들어주려는 여러분들덕에 조금 더 책임감을 가질 수 있어요. 항상 감사하고 노력할게요. 약속 흑ㅠ 너희들의 일등 축하해 베이비!”
Translation: “It’s an honor and I’m thankful that we are able to be with you all. Thanks to you guys who think of us as the best and also try to create us into the best, I’m able to hold more responsibility. I’m always thankful, and I’ll work hard. Promise sob ㅠ Congrats on your 1st place, Babys!”
Jong Up:
“베이비! 다들 집에는 잘 들어갔나요..
이번 활동에 정말 멋진 추억 하나 만들어가요… ㅍ
비록 표현이 서툰 저지만 정~말로 감사하고있습니다 ㅎ
짱짱걸 베이비 항상 고마워요~”
(T/N: The first character of each line reads “Baby Best” as you go down)
“Baby! Did everyone get home safely..
We’re making one really great memory during this promotion…ㅍ
Although I’m expressing this poorly I am so~ thankful ㅎ
Best best girl Baby thank you always~”
Yongguk: “B.A.P를 위해 불철주야 보이지않는 곳에서 항상 고생하는 우리 회사식구들과 스텝분들 저희를 이 자리에 있게해준 언터형들과 시크릿 사랑하고 존경하는 베이비들 이 과분한 사랑 꼭 나누고 보답하겠습니다 #BAP1004”
Translation: “To our company members and staff who always work hard for B.A.P in places that are unseen, Untouchable hyungs and Secret who allowed us to stand in this spot, and to Babys that we love and respect, we will definitely share and repay this excessive love #BAP1004”
Zelo: 앞으로도 열심히하고, 무대가 아닌 자리에서는 늘 겸손하게 행동하는사람 되도록하겠습니다~ 싸랑해요 쪽
Translation: “I will become a person that always works hard, and always acts modest at places that aren’t the stage~ I love you chu“
Looks like the boys will continue to work very hard to not only impress their fans and keep them by their side, but to produce quality work overall!
Credit to Baptrans for translations.
Source: Twitter
Article by: Nikki
Edited by: Angelspatience
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