Many people have been speculating that the incident at Baekhyun‘s brother’s wedding was a hoax. Why you ask? Because of this post:
“Firstly, one of my friend was at the side of Baekhyun’s brother and he told the true story. The wedding ceremony was a closed event so without invitation, you cannot go in. In some of pictures, baekhyun’s face seems very red, it wasn’t because he is angry but it was hot in there. Baekhyun as well as all the other members was not angry. It is not true that sasaeng come to wedding and wreck it. The wedding ceremony was not ruined. People who participated in wedding take pictures because exo is popular these days so the wedding was delayed but there was no bigger problems. Both bride and groom are happy and all members including baekhyun also bid goodbye with smile. Pictures taken during wedding is taken by cousin of baekhyun. The cousin posted the picture on kakaostory, but some fans share the picture and they make up stories and rumors as if the pictures are from sasaengs. It is not sasaeng picture. The photo was taken by people who was in wedding ceremony. And the photo that showed one woman recording, she is from the bride’s side so she took video for the bride. However the fans accuse that as sasaeng activity. It is very embarrassing because of so much fake news. Most things are lies and rumors. I write it down because my friend wants me to let others know. I don’t know because I didnt go! But please retweet it many times to resolve a misunderstandin
투현: not perfect translation.. sorry but i hope
many fans do not misunderstand all situation.”
The problem with this is its from their friend who ‘is a friend of Baekhyun’s brother’ who was at the wedding. This could just as easily be a hoax as the wedding catastrophe. However, due to the overwhelming amount of evidence telling me that this was done by saesangs, I don’t know If I would believe it until S.M. releases an official statement.
Source: EXO Planet
Article by: KareBare
Edited by: Alona
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