Yoseob reveals that a member from a famous girl group once admitted that she likes him.
On January 21st, the singer guested on Beatles Code 2 and discussed about a girl group member who confessed her feelings towards the Beast member. When asked why he didn’t go out with her, he answered, “I liked her but I was scared. I felt like dating an entertainer will get a little out of hand. As an idol and a member of a group, I didn’t want to damage her reputation.”
Yoseob also said that he became close friends with the girl group member which made the MCs asked more questions to find out who the mystery girl was. One of the MCs asked, “Does she have a Korean name or English name?” Yoseob looked like he’s confused after hearing the question which made the staffs gain interest about the revelation.
Source: Korea.com
Article by: Marielle & Mariam
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