Let the 2014 rookie race commence!
BEAT WIN have decided to make a quick start out the gate and have made their debut with the music video for “She’s My Girl“. The 6 member boy group consisting of members Sunhyuk, Sangkyu, Jungha, Youngjo, Sungho, and Yoonhoo have already gotten performance experience under the belt by promoting in Japan prior to their Korean debut.
The group are planning their first Korean showcase for the 7th and have the pleasure of having ZE:A’s Kwanghee perform the MC duties for them. The show is sure to be a riot with variety star Kwanghee in charge.
Their debut music video is nice and straight forward. Just the members dancing on simple indoor sets with individual shots inter spread in the video. The video uses both color and black and white footage and the song has a catchy and fun beat to it.
Check it out for yourself below.
Source: LOEN Entertainment YouTube
Article by: Angelspatience
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