Once said by Park Ji Yoon: “SM is like a military academy with a set standard of training that must be followed while YG is like an alternative school that focuses on the individual student. JYP is like homeschooling where Park Jin Young teaches them as he pleases.” And with this the battle between the “Big Three” Continues.
Following up on YG’s recent developments, mainly the outcome of the finale of ‘WIN: Who Is Next’, where Team A took the place as WINNER and will be debuting as early as December. JYP also has something up his sleeve. Introduced to us by said TV show above, JYP will be soon debuting his own boy group. The group counting seven member will be the first group debuted from JYP in six years, following up 2PM.
Due to these reasons netizens have started speculating on how these groups will affect the media. Will they become popular? If yes, how fast? Will these rookie groups be able to fight against the immense popularity of SME’s EXO, is the real question that is asked here. Each new group of YG and JYP are a group aspiring. Will EXO’s huge album sales and a strong fandom of the year ahead be able to conquer these upcoming groups?
Source: Sports.donga
Article by: Chaima
Edited by: Alona
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