This countdown makes me feel like that crazy fish from Spongebob, but instead of screaming out “Chocolate!” I’m screaming out, “VIXX!!!” Just four more days until VIXX in Chicago and New York! The excitement is killing me!
Day 4:
Are there any members in VIXX you “ship”?
Come on fan-fic lovers! There’s gotta be SOMEBODY you ship! For me, I totally ship the Navi pair! N and Ravi are just so adorable I can’t even control the pheels! How about you?
For more information, visit Limelight’s Facebook page. Tour dates follow:
November 22 – Chicago, IL – Star Plaza Theater, 8PM
November 23 – New York, NY – Terminal 5, 7PM
They will treat fans to an amazing showcase in Chicago and NY. In addition, VIXX will be showcasing a variety of performances and songs. You can get your tickets at Music Enkor now! Tickets are going fast so be sure to grab your spot ASAP!
- Angry 00%
- Sad 00%
- Bored 00%
- Amused 00%
- Fascinated 00%
- Excited 00%