Northwestern Korean American Student Organization, also known as KASA, just announced DΞΔN as their headliner for their ‘KASA SHOW 2016!’
Get hyped up as Northwestern Korean American Student Organization presents: KASA SHOW 2016: SEOUL MATES! Besides having DΞΔN perform, the show will also include cultural and student performances.
Northwestern‘s KASA is a student organization that offers cultural and social informative events on Korean culture and Korean American issues to their peers. They also advocate for Korean-American students’ needs. They hope to promote understanding and appreciation of the Korean culture.
Save the date for May 13, 2016 at Northwestern’s Ryan Auditorium in Evanston, IL to witness the most spectacular KASA show yet!
Hurry and get your tickets NOW! Tickets are available at http://
They’re 6$ for Northwestern students and 15$ for guests.
Stay tuned to OfficiallyKMusic for the most recent updates on shows and news! Check our calendar for other events near you!
Source:Northwestern KASA
Written by: Patricia Jeon & Jasmine Shum
Edited by: Ying Leung
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- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
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- Angry