DMTN‘s Simon wrote, “My heart hurts. My condolences to those who pray for victims. Continue to pray, even one minute more. Please, cheer up!”
가슴이아프네요. 희생자분들의 명복을빕니다. 한분이라도 더 구조되길 기도합니다. 힘내세요 꼭!
— SouLSiMoNJaKopS (@SimonJakops) April 17, 2014
Wonder Girls‘ Lim simply tweeted, “#Pray for Korea” proving that her thoughts are with the families of victims.
#PrayForKorea — Lim ♥ Hyerim Woo (@WG_Lim) April 17, 2014
A-PRINCE has also tweeted “#Pray for South Korea” and ensured that their “hearts hurt.”
가슴이 너무 아프네요… http://t.co/GJikLsNpWi #PrayForSouthKorea — A-PRINCE 에이프린스 (@APRINCEofficial) April 17, 2014
BIGSTAR expressed their concern, saying that all of their overseas activities have been put on hold, and they they keep on praying for a miracle.
예체능 마치고 해외 활동중에 세월호 소식을 접했습니다.아무런 도움이 안되는 지금 할수있는건 기도밖에 없다는게 안타까울 뿐입니다. 모두가 한마음 한뜻으로 간절히 기적이라는 게 있다고 믿고 싶은 지금!꼭 살아서 가족의 품으로 돌아올 수 있길 기도 합니다. — BIGSTAR (@BRAVEBIGSTAR) April 17, 2014
Jinusean‘s Sean wrote, “If your heart ache because of the accident, pray for all people. For the missing and their families who pray.”
사고 때문에 마음 아파하시는 모든분들 위해 기도드립니다. 실종된 분들과 가족들 위해 기도 드립니다. — Sean Ro (@jinuSEAN3000) April 17, 2014
U-KISS’ Kevin asked everyone to “Pray earnestly for the students and their families.”
삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다. 뉴스를 보고 마음에 너무 아프네요. 학생들과 가족들 위해 간절히 기도합니다. — Kevin ★ 유키스 케빈 ★ ケビン (@Kevinwoo91) April 16, 2014
Eric Nam tweeted, “Praying for the ship and all those affected.”
Praying for the ship and all those affected. 기도합니다.
— 에릭남 (Eric Nam) (@ericnamofficial) April 16, 2014
miss A‘s Fei sent a short, but very meaningful message “Pray.”
기도합니다~~~ — Fei (@missA_fei) April 16, 2014
2PM‘s Jun.K assured everyone involved that he is sincerely praying hoping for them to come back safe.
모두 무사히 구조되기를 진심으로 기도드립니다..
— JUN. K (@Jun2daKAY) April 16, 2014
Another member of 2PM, Nichkhun, tweeted:
Let’s pray for the sunken ship. Hope they will find more survivors. — นิชคุณ Buck หรเวชกุล (@Khunnie0624) April 16, 2014
2AM‘s Changmin did not hide his true feelings, tweeting, “God help us.”
하느님 도와 주십시오
— LEE CHANG MIN (@2AMCHANGMIN) April 16, 2014
Additionally, many promotional activities, including those of EXO, Block B, A Pink, MBLAQ, BoA and more have been postponed or cancelled. Many broadcast stations have also cancelled or delayed programs to an unknown date.
Our thoughts and prayers go to the families of victims.
Source: mwave
Article by: Karolina
Edited by: Angelspatience
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