I think we all know by now what happened with TMZ‘s rude comments and racist discrimination against EXID‘s, and more specifically, Jung Hwa‘s English pronunciation.
Even a few idols have addressed this through their Twitter accounts:
f(x)‘s Amber tweeted, “I was gunna stay quiet but I cant. Seriously, @tmz not cool man. All Americans face palm at your rude and childish actions”, while 2PM‘s Taecyeon said in reply, “Don’t they know that when you make fun of someone for having a strange accent, that person can perfectly speak another language? The mentality to make fun of someone who answered in English because she went to the U.S and was greeted by many fans. Seriously, wow.”
I’d rather not include the TMZ video because I’m sure you’ve seen it already and truthfully, it angers me, but if you haven’t, I’ll include it for reference.
Okay, now that we have a refresher of what went down, here are some of the facts.
EXID’s agency did address the matter to Newsen on the 4th saying, “Of course, it′s true that it′s unfortunate that the details are not positive. However, we are seeing this as another form of interest and won′t be taking action. We won′t be pressing charges.”
They also stated previously when the video first went viral that, “We checked the TMZ video. We′re quite upset and very angry that racially discriminating comments were made, especially when Jung Hwa was not even cursing and was just happy to see all of her fans. Due to this issue, the members are quite upset, and Jung Hwa is going through inner struggles. We′re currently deciding how to deal with this issue.”
Okay, opinion time! I can understand why their agency didn’t press charges because even though we know TMZ was discriminating, it would take a sh*t load to prove it to an outsider who is desensitized to seeing or hearing someone make fun of another person’s accent when speaking a non-native language. More importantly, it would take a lot more to prove it in court if it ever got that far. Plus TMZ, while their sources, work ethic, and morals are questionable to say the least, they have enough power to do some serious financial damage if EXID’s agency would pursue any charges.
So it may anger fans that it seems like they’re doing absolutely nothing to protect their idols, they are protecting them by not putting them through a lawsuit.
All we can really do is support EXID and besides, Engrish is cute! We all know some of our idols can’t always pronounce English or any other non-Korean words correctly, but they’re trying. That’s what matters the most! They cared enough for their American fans to greet them in their native language.
I personally would love to see any of the people from TMZ try not to butcher Korean words. I know I can’t pronounce a lot of them to save my life and I’ve been hearing them every day for the past 5 years.
In celebration of our idols’ awesome Engrish skills, here is a compilation video of some of the best Engrish moments in K-Pop, courtesy of Liying Ng. Enjoy!
Sources: Mwave, uskpop’s YouTube Channel, Mwave 2
Edited by: LeighDarling
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
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- Angry