Our additional article coverage from yesterday is also available here.
Doctors: T.O.P confirmed overdose of medication on admission to hospital
At 4pm KST today, doctors and Kim Han-Soo, head of public relations at Mokdong’s Ewha University Hospital, released an official statement regarding T.O.P‘s current condition, stating that he has not regained full consciousness since being admitted, with blood tests coming back with high carbon dioxide levels, and explaining his reported difficulty in breathing. They also confirmed that T.O.P has been responsive to very strong stimuli, but unable to maintain full consciousness. Their neurology department has also been involved in the case.
The prescription drug T.O.P took has also been confirmed as benzodiazepine, a tranquiliser.
T.O.P‘s mother and two YG Entertainment managers are currently on site.
We are still waiting for additional confirmation of the statement from Mokdong’s Ewha University Hospital from YG Entertainment.
Update 1
Full English translation of quotes taken from this evening’s hospital briefing (source below):
“T.O.P arrived [at the hospital] on June 6, 2017 at 12:34pm. Three people arrived together with him, one holding his upper body, and two his lower body.”
“When we attempted to wake him up with normal stimuli, he had no reaction. It was only when we more forcefully tried to stimulate him that he reacted in a state between lethargy and stupor. His pupils did not constrict in response to light stimulation. His vital tests showed elevated blood pressure, quick pulse, and unstable breathing. He showed signs hypoxia and high levels of carbon dioxide, signs of respiratory failure. At this point he was determined to be in critical condition. We determined it to be an emergency situation.”
“After testing his urine, it was determined that he was suffering respiratory failure due to an overdose of sleeping pills. Based on his condition, it seemed likely that he could stop breathing and was thus preemptively moved to the intensive care unit to receive tracheal intubation. His carbon dioxide levels have stabilized, but he is still in critical condition. It was decided that the neurology and psychiatric departments should work in conjunction on the patient, and after examining the patient at 11am and again at 3pm today [T.O.P’s unconscious state] prevented them from providing the normal care. If the patient’s condition improves, he will receive psychiatric treatment.”
“Because T.O.P has still not regained consciousness, he needs to remain in the intensive care unit.”
“When people think of unconsciousness, they tend to associate it with brain damage. However, medically speaking, when a patient does not respond to normal stimuli, it is referred to as unconsciousness.”
“When T.O.P arrived to the hospital, he only showed response when poked with a needle or when pinched very hard. Right now, when we wake him up he can open his eyes briefly, but he cannot maintain a conscious state.”
Officially Kmusic will continue to publish further credible updates regarding T.O.P‘s condition as they come to light.
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