An organisms’ life revolves around food while the life of a K-pop fan centre around his/her bias. And the food you like and the idols you like have one thing in common– they’re both liked by YOU. Focusing on this shared point, Officially Kmusic designed a quiz just for you!
Whether your bias is the cutest of cuties or the manliest of men, this quiz right here can deduce who that one person dominating your fangirl/fanboy heart is based on nothing but your taste in food. Take it right now to see if it can get your bias right! And don’t forget to share the results with your friends as well.
Quiz Cat: No Quiz found
Officially Kmusic will continue to bring you constant updates on Korean entertainment as well as other fun content like this K-QUIZ, so stay with us. And don’t forget to leave a comment below if you want to see another K-QUIZ on a particular group/topic next!
Writer: Aishy
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