Seventeen introduces Lee Chan as the seventh member!
His member profile was uploaded on Seventeen’s official Facebook. Check down to see what kind of guy Lee Chan is:
Name LEE CHAN / 이 찬 / イ・チャン
Birth date : 99.02.11
Blood Type: A
Career: SEVENTEEN TV Season 1.2 & SEVENTEEN SHOW http://youtu.be/xeHc4U1Sq-A
Chan’s first impression was just a regular guy that can be easily seen on streets, that looks quite like a dancer. He is really a regular 14 year old boy but if you look into his eyes, you’d be shocked by his passion for his dreams.
His parents met at the dance team which made him interested in becoming an artist. He aims to become an artist like Michael Jackson, having his own style. Dreams, parents,Michael Jackson, trust in himself… those four words describe this 14 year old boy.
We believe that this boy will grow more, reaching for his dreams to become SEVENTEEN.
– Song that describes me: Michael Jackson-Billie Jean.
He is my role model. I get so much energy from this song!
Source: allkpop
Article by: Mana
Edited by: Alona
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