Welcome to the third installment in Officially KMusic‘s newest segment “Let Me KPop A Question“. We hope you’ve enjoyed our questions so far, last week we asked “Who should make a comeback but is not?“, this week we might be getting ourselves into a little hot water.
We will be talking about dating amongst our idols this week. We know, it can be a touchy subject. Sometimes fans react well to the announcement of a new couple, sometimes not so much. Sometimes it’s just the rumor of two idols dating that can send some fans into a tail spin.
First let’s talk about rumors. At least once a month, in my opinion, one idol or another is being accused of dating someone. Normally based on some photo snapped by a tabloid-esque newspaper as said idols are on the street. Or sometimes it can just be Netizens doing their overtime duty of digging for pictures that confirm, in their minds, that these two idols are dating.
Normally nothing comes of these rumors, a news report or two, maybe a statement from one label or the other stating the two are friends or that the photo was snapped at an after hours lunch gathering of staff for someone’s drama. Sometimes though, even if the friendship is innocent and even if the labels deny a relationship there can still be a backlash. It’s always hard to say which way it will go, the popularity of the idol plays a part as does the mindset of the fans for that idol.
So lets look at a few idol relationships that were only rumor and were either never confirmed or denied.
One of the ones that stand out in my mind is Super Junior‘s Eunhyuk and IU. Who remembers this photo?
Oh boy, did the K-Pop world hit the roof. The fact that Eunhyuk looks like he’s shirtless and that the two look like they are lid in a bed had fans in disbelief. Rumors had already been circulating that the two might be dating. Eunhyuk and Super Junior’s leader Leeteuk were both permanent members on the program “Strong Heart”. IU made a guest appearance on an episode where she wrote “Oppa, I’m here” on her board. Leeteuk wrote “Meeting Eunhyuk’s woman again..” and Eunhyuk further fueled the fire by drawing a simple heart. It was 1theK Entertainment that released a statement about the picture, explaining that Eunhyuk had visited IU while she was sick, that he was wearing a shirt and in fact they were sat on a couch. Netizens were able to prove the statement and even though not all fans were kind to either star over the situation once things were explained the situation calmed down. When IU started making appearances on talk shows she spoke about the incident and made sure to make sure everyone know it was her fault and that she felt horrible about it and very sorry.
Another situation, were fans were not very happy, of a rumor of an idol couple was Dynamic Duo‘s Choiza and f(x)‘s Sulli. Perhaps because of the age gap between the two, there is 14 years between the two, fans were far from overjoyed at the rumor.
Reports had the two sharing a meal, going to a movie and even holding hands while walking down the street. SM Entertainment was quick to step forward this time and clarify that the two had a brother-sister relationship and that was all. Ameoba Culture also denied the rumor, reiterating that the two just were like an older brother and younger sister.
Miss A‘s Suzy has had not one but two dating rumors attached to her name recently. First was the very popular and in demand Kim Soo Hyun. The two had appeared on the drama “Dream High” together and perhaps in part due to their on screen chemistry, rumors started circulating that the two were dating.
Behind the scenes footage showed the two being very chummy even if they weren’t in character. The duo have also had numerous CF and MC jobs together as they are both highly loved Korean representatives.
Yet again with a drama co-star, Suzy was more recently caught up in the dating rumor mill with Sung Joon who shared the screen with her for “Gu Family Book“.
A pretty friendly looking duo, but all sides deny they are dating and that they are just friends. Sung Joon spoke about the rumors and said he had not realized what kind of impact something like this could have and he now realized he needed to be more careful to not be misunderstood.
Rumor’s are too numerous to cover when it comes to our idols. A friendly picture or one too many times appearing at an event together and all of a sudden you have a new couple. TVXQ‘s Changmin and f(x)’s Victoria, G-Dragon and Japanese model Kiko, So Ji Sub and After School‘s Jooyeon are all more examples of the rumor mill at work.
Now onto possibly a slightly more touchy subject. Confirmed couples!
A lot more idols have been coming out recently, admitting they are dating or have dated in the past. The response is as mixed as the idols making the statements.
One of the first big confirmed couples I can remember personally and possibly one that shows the sometimes vicious side of fans is SHINee‘s Jonghyun and actress Shin Se Kyung.
The two may have had a rosy private start but when news of their relationship broke things were not so happy. Fans were not happy about the couple and in fact Shin Se Kyung had to shutdown her fanpage due to all the hate comments she received. The two were extremely busy at the time of their relationship and tried to meet as often as they could but perhaps because of the lack of free time the two have since broken up.
Another couple that fans were a little wary of at the start but due to the couples openness about their relationship fans warmed to was Kara‘s Goo Hara and B2ST‘s Junhyung.
When their relationship was revealed, the statement from the labels had remarked that Junhyung had helped Goo Hara through a difficult situation and that the Kara and B2ST members were close because they had been promoting around the same time and had come to count on each other. The duo had a very lovely relationship for almost 2 years, with Goo Hara giving Junhyung a cat for a birthday present and fans being very supportive and concerned for the couple. Unfortunately the dreaded schedule played it’s evil game with the idols again and with Kara promoting in Japan and B2ST at home in Korea the two drifted apart and ended their relationship.
Some other confirmed relationships that have now ended are Tony Ahn and Girl’s Day Hyeri, Simon D and Lady Jane, Gummy and Wheesung, Shinhwa‘s Junjin and SPICA‘s Park Joo Hyun and Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young. Fans reactions to the break-ups ranged just as much as the announcement of the couples in the first place.
Some more confirmed relationships that as far as reports go are still going strong are Brown Eyed Girls Jea and her YG producer boyfriend Cho Pil Kang, who have been together for almost 4 years now, as well as actress Han Ye Seul and producer Teddy Park who were revealed to be in a relationship just last year. Prehaps on the flip side of all this, instead of facing dating rumors, Se7en and girlfriend of over 10 years actress Park Han Byul have faced break-up rumors, but by all reports are still together.
More recently K-Pop fans came to the realization that the members of Girls Generation weren’t just singing a song when they sang their 2013 hit “I Got A Boy“, they were making a statement.
It started at the beginning of this year, though rumors floated around last year around all of the couples. Lee Seung Gi and Yoona were the first confirmed to be in a relationship, I don’t know who’s fans were more devastated by the news at first. Yet surprisingly, seeing who the stars are, the overall reaction has been one of well wishing. Of course it could come in part to the fact that Lee Seung Gi once admitted that Yoona was his ideal type and that the two have been teased and pushed together on shows for years now.
Next to step it up, or out, and admit to their relationship was Sooyoung and actor Jung Kyung Ho. The two reportedly started out as friends and church buddies but soon came to the realization they had a lot in common and feelings for each other. Again fans reactions to the relationship seems to be all good with most wishing for them to have a wonderful relationship.
The most recent Girls Generation member to have been caught up and confirm her relationship status is Tiffany with 2PM‘s own “Prince of Thailand” Nickhun. Again, the undeniable collective “Andwae” scream of fanboys and fangirls around the world could almost be heard. The revelation of the relationship is still to new to say how fans are reacting to this latest couple.
Before I share my two cents on all this I do want to point out two more confirmed couples and just share the publics reaction to their relationship, to show just how nasty it can be.
The first would be Infinite‘s L and ulzzang Kim Do Yeon. At first both sides denied it, though Netizens did find a shocking amount of ‘proof” to the couples validity. Unfortunately denying the relationship may have truly been the way to go, if the hate the duo received at the rumor of their relationship is any indication. Supposedly several of L’s personal fan sites shut down at the news, upset that their idol would in their opinion abandon them. As well poor miss Kim Do Yeon received an enormous amount of backlash and was severally harassed by saesangs. The two have reportedly broken up and it’s hard to say what the right way would have been to handle the whole situation and just how much did fans reaction play in their break up.
The other, and one that shows idols do need to be careful, is Block B‘s UKwon and model Jun Sun Hye. UKwon surprised everyone when he made the post on Block B’s fan cafe about his relationship with Jun Sun Hye. Many fans had actually suspected he was in a relationship but no one knew with who. Unfortunately, though it’s not confirmed, UKwon possibly made a bit of a boo boo. A fan had made him a custom bracelet which he later told her through Twitter he had lost. Netizens being the super sleuths they are (just to be clear, that isn’t a compliment) found photos of Jun Sun Hye apparently wearing the bracelet. No one confirmed anything, it’s possible he lent it to her to wear one day and that he lost it after that. Maybe she took it and didn’t tell him. Maybe he did give it to her and lied to the fan. The point of me mentioning this is that idols should be careful with the fan gifts they receive, do not lend them or give them to someone else.
In closing on this question I will share my thoughts. Idols are people first and actors, singers, performers second. They have a heart and have emotions and though they are in the public eye and should be careful what they do, they should be allowed to have a life too. Should idols come out about every relationship they are in, no. They deserve privacy as much as the next person. Do I see anything wrong with idols admitting to being in a relationship if the relationship is going strong, not at all. It’s better to admit it than to deny it and get caught later that you lied. Who idols fall in love with should not be judged no more than it would be for anyone else either. It’s hard to control ones feelings especially the ones related to the heart. So whether it’s a relationship with someone who’s a lot older/younger than them, someone who perhaps has gained the wrong kind of media attention or someone who is also considered a Korean darling, limitations should not be placed on the person an idol can date.
It can be hard for fans to accept and I’m not saying you shouldn’t be sad or even mad that the person you admire the most (and yeah I know dreamt about dating yourself) is in a relationship. Just please don’t resort to bashing the person they have fallen for. I know I would be sad if my bias admitted to being in a serious relationship but I think I would be even sadder to find out the person he cared for was on the receiving end of hateful comments, because in part I know it would hurt him too.
Fans should and do need to realize that idols will all, hopefully, one day find love and get married. We have actually had quite a few recent wedding announcements. Lee Byung Hun and Lee Min Jung, Haha and Byul and also Wonder Girls Sun-Ye and Canadian James Park have all tied the knot and are living the happy married life. A more long time standing couple who have made the fact they are married work well for them is Yoon Mi Rae and Tiger JK. The two have been married almost seven years now and do not hesitate to show their support of each other to the world.
So Officially KMusic readers, what do you think of all this? Should idols admit to their relationships or keep them private? Should they even be allowed to date in your opinion? Please share your thoughts in the comment section and make sure you stay tuned next week for the next “Let Me KPop A Question” segment. Is there a question you’d like to see us ask? Make sure to share your thoughts on that as well.
Article by: Angelspatience
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