LUNAFLY‘s Official Facebook was updated just a few hours ago with this status,
“[NOTICE]루나플라이 달콤커피 라이브!! 1월 11일 (금) 6시 부산점 (부산 동구 초량동 1193-1, 1층) 주소도 꼭 확인해 주세요!! ^^”
This translates to be, “[NOTICE] Luna fly sweet coffee live!! January 11, 2010 (Fri) 06: Busan (Busan choryang-Dong 1211-1, 1st floor), please check the address!! ^^” (Thanks to members of the KMUSIC team for translating this for us.)
The group has updated fans relating to their next live performance and its address.
Fans commented with, “Fighting!!!!!!!”, “Good luck!” and “I LOVE LUNAFLY”.
Will you be able to attend?
Source: LUNAFLY Official Facebook
Article by: Mir & Alona
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