For fans of MFBTY and hip hop, the wait is over with the latest release of the groups newest music video BuckuBucku! The music video features some of the most anticipated guests on the album including EE, Rap Monster (of BTS) ,and Dino-J.
Prior to the release of this music video, we could at least get an idea of how excellent the song and the entire highly anticipated album were going to be. Now that we have our first taste, I have something to declare: As a fan of MFBTY and all the featured guests, we were not prepared it at all. Musically, it was everything they promised and so much more. The song is this a perfect mixture of the signature sounds of each member of the group, as well as the special guests, while totally keeping the sound that we identify as the group MFBTY. It is that sound is one of the main things I love about this group, they have a signature sound and style that is unique and is always recognizable. As one of my fellow writers put it “can this song get any more perfect?” Personally I don’t think it can.
Stay with Officially KMusic for the latest in Korean music and news.
Source: Feel Ghood Music YouTube
Edited by: LeighDarling
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