After Oppa Oppa Live cancelled ‘U-KISS Showcase & Fan Party in Jakarta‘, many fans were very upset. Many fans headed to Twitter to begin a trend #WeWantUKISSJKT262704. This trend started to catch Oppa Oppa Live’s attention and they have now rescheduled.
Their Facebook page has been incredibly active over the past 24 hours as they have been releasing a lot of information for fans.
Read all of the posts below:
“[NOTICE] UKISS Showcase & Fan Party in Jakarta 2013 will be resumed as per schedule 26-27 April 2013 at Britama Arena Sportsmall Kelapa Gading. Due to his casting to musical, Hoon will not be able to join the event.
Deeply apologize for any inconvenience, we seek your kind understanding. Thank you so much to Kiss Me(s) and Kpop fans who support and trending #WeWantUKISSJKT262704 on twitter.
Thanks to our media partner, supporting partner and especially to YOU who make it happened.
More details about the event & term&condition will be released tonight. Apologies for short notice.
Thank you so much for your attention and endless support.”
UKISS Showcase & FanParty in Jakarta
“Join the Game, Complete the Collage”
27 April 2013
Venue: Britama Arena Sportsmall Kelapa Gading
(3.00-5.00pm) Fan Signing Session for Kiss Me Oppa, Kiss Me Fan Sign ticket holder; Special Dinner & Photo Session for Kiss Me Oppa ticket holder
(6.30-8.30pm) SHOWCASE
(8.30-9.00pm) Charity Ceremony
(9.00-10.00pm) Hi5 Session for Kiss Me Oppa, Kiss Me Hi5 & Photo ticket holder
#All ticket buyers can redeem their ticket at respective ticket box starts from H-1.
(*If you buy the ticket at Ibu Dibjo, Duta Suara, Disc Tarra, kiostix.com, tiket.com, yes24.co.id, Rajakarcis, please redeem the ticket directly on their ticketbox on H-1)
#All ticket buyers who bought the ticket from trilogylive, kissmeindonesia, dmarket.co.id and oppaoppalive, can redeem their ticket at venue on D-day, starts from 10am.
#Don’t forget to bring your valid voucher and identity card.
*All Kiss Me Oppa and Kiss Me Fan Sign ticket holder can enter the location starts from 2pm, by showing valid ticket.
*You can bring only 1 item of your own UKISS album, poster or merchandise to be signed by UKISS member.
*Queue line will be based on your arrival time.
*All Kiss Me Oppa ticket holder will be remained at the venue after the fan sign session.
*No photography allowed during dinner session.
*Enjoy your intimate moment with UKISS 😉
*Gate will be open at 5.30pm.
*Please visit board message corner, next to our booth and put your question for UKISS with post-it notes.
*No professional camera, SLR, Tablet are NOT ALLOWED during showcase.
*NO outside food and beverages are allowed inside the arena
*Bottles, Cans, Fireworks, lasers, flash are strictly prohibited
*No smoking and alcohol inside the camera
*Any unpleasant or unruly behavior will not be tolerated
*Throwing any thing into the stage is strictly prohibited.
*We will not be responsible for any lost items
*All equipment in the venue are set according to artist’s request
*Ticket is required when entering or re-entering the arena
*Please do not misplace your ticket
*All Kiss Me Oppa & Kiss Me Hi5 ticket holder will be guided into the hi5 queue line, after the showcase end.
*Please take your belongings with you when you get into the stage.
*Please control yourself during hi5 session so we can take a good picture of you with the members 🙂
Note: Any additional rules/information will be informed as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support and understanding :)”
“[SURPRISE GIFT] Thank you to Kiss Me(s)’ big support for the upcoming ‘UKISS Showcase & Fan Party in Jakarta 2013’, we really appreciate it very much and apologize for any inconvenience. So, in order to repay back fans support, we’ll give additional gift for fans.
For those who were born in April, we’ll give you a surprise birthday gift!
Please enjoy ‘BUY 1 GET 1’ promotion for Festival & Tribun Gold ticket, by purchase it directly on http://oppaoppalive.com/buy-ticket/
Booking your ticket at http://oppaoppalive.com/buy-ticket/ , then please send scan/picture of your valid ID card to enjoy this promotion to ticket@oppaoppalive.com.
You can treat your friends too with this promotion because you can purchase up to 4tickets!
Happy Birthday and Enjoy your Birthday Gift!
once again, thanks for your support.”
Kmusic will continue to update our KissMe(s) in Jakarta with more information as it’s released!
Source: Oppa Oppa Live Facebook
Article by: Mir
Edited by: Alona
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry