After the MAMAs, rookie Bobby from the yet to debut group iKon had some, shall we say, ‘questionable’ lyric directed towards his fellow idol rappers, In case you didn’t hear, he seems to have specifically called out BTS‘s Rap Monster , VIXX‘s Ravi and Boyfriend.
To say the fans got upset would be the understatement of the month.
Yes, as usual, we saw some fandoms react more than others as it was clear that not everyone understood what was happening. The fact remains that Bobby got what I suspected he wanted: attention. There is an old saying “There is no such thing as bad press.” Think about he goes out there pops off with some not so nice statements and fan boys and fan girls go crazy on social media and search engines, driving up his visibility as well as the visibility of the people he called out.
Now, someone has responded in one of the two appropriate ways; with a track of their own. Ravi has dropped his own track in response to Bobby’s.
“That’s right I’m an idol
But you’re also a — idol
Others think it’s the same, but this diss battle pretending to be different
You want to lash out because it’s disgusting, right?
I admit that I’m the rapper of the boygroup with the clock dance
But I’m not tone deaf, you little boy
I left my house and hustle every night too
Yeah I’m envious, holding the ‘Show Me’ trophy at 20 years old
And a career chewing up melons
All of that still pre-debut
You say it like a habit, just hate on Bobby
But I don’t give a fuck
I don’t want to fight you
We’re all the same, you, me, him, her, all idols
Is it real if you’re good at rap and doodle with your pen
That’s no no
We’re different u know
Yeah it’s easy to kill hip hop
But we’re not the culprits, what i mean —.”
I for one was never worried maybe it is because I am older so I have a bit more experience listening to the back and forth between rappers. This is just what some of them do, they go out and make so some comment about their fellow rappers and they sit back and wait for a response track or to be told that they picked on someone too big for them, sit down until they grow up. I didn’t worry about Ravi or Rap Monster for several reasons. The first and most important reason is that anyone with common sense can tell you both Ravi and Rap Monster are both talented guys who are big enough fans of American hip-hop to know what they needed to do. The second reason is a little more complex: when you select someone to ‘go after’ in a rap battle, you pick someone that you consider at least as good as you if not better you who’s not too far ahead of you in the social structure. Getting called out like this is the chance for guys to prove their talent and should always be supported and understood. Why haven’t I mentioned Boyfriend? I feel like the supposed shot at Boyfriend is not really that big of a deal.
In terms of what he said in response, I have to say Ravi has a point . Bobby, you’re also in an idol group, a boy band attached to one of the biggest labels in Korea and yeah, you got to pal around with some big names. But the fact remains, you’re listed as Bobby from iKon a spot you won on a reality TV show and let’s not forget that unlike Ravi, you lost the first time around. So let me give you all a piece of advice; If you don’t like what somebody says about your favorite via comment , lyrics or whatever, just ignore them. Ignoring them doesn’t help them “get their message” out there and it will discourage them from doing it again.
At the end of the day, Ravi, Rap Monster, Boyfriend and Bobby need keep on doing what they do, their fans love and support them. Fans need to try to get a little perspective and realize that a lot of the rappers can handle themselves in these situations better than any fan can, they need to be allowed to do what we know that they do best: showcase their talents.
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Source: Ravi / VIXX Twiter
Edited by: LeighDarling
- Amused 343%
- Fascinated 343%
- Angry 114%
- Sad 00%
- Bored 00%
- Excited 00%