Even though many expected the rankings of SBS‘ talk show ‘Hwashin’ to go up after its episode with BIGBANG‘s Seungri, Clara, comedian Kim Jun-ho, and Kim Dae-hee, the rankings went down from its previous low of 4.8 percent to 4.5 percent.
While there are a few who say it was interesting, most viewers are vehemently against the new structure and point out some problems, claiming that the MCs are not used to live broadcast, so they struggle to keep the flow smooth and end up talking over each other or that even if there are boring answers and questions, they can’t be edited out. They also don’t like that the guests’ stories are cut off abruptly because of time issues.
One of the biggest problems is that some of the guests get left out of the talk, but cannot be edited in later. Many viewers noticed that during the most recent episode, the show focused mainly on Clara. While Seungri had some time to talk for himself, one of the guests – namely Kim Dae Hee – had absolutely no screen time as he was the fourth guest in line. He was asked nothing due to Clara’s talk session taking up so much time, and in the end, when Shin Dong Yup announced the ending, he was shocked because he hadn’t been able to say anything. He asked if he could say one thing, which was to ask people to watch his drama ‘Ugly Alert.’
Additionally, many viewers admit that the show is boring because there is no editing and even the most boring parts are included. They commented that they saw lulls in the story which caused them to change the channel out of boredom. One member of the studio audience was even spotted falling asleep at one point.
Despite the low ranking and viewers’ dissatisfaction, SBS is planning to continue broadcasting the show live, at least for a while, only changing its name from ‘Hwashin – Controller of the Heart‘ to ‘Hwashin Live.’
Source: bbupdates
Article by: Karolina
Edited by: Mariam
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry