Seungri is the latest K-Pop idol to be involved in a car accident, however he seems to have been the most lucky. The Big Bang maknae has been transported to the hospital following a car accident.
It has been reported that at 3:36AM KST, Seungri was driving his Porsche in front of a Dongbu Ichon-dong apartment building when he struck a Mercedes-Benz. The impact caused his car to flip over and hit a guardrail. The hospital says that he was uninjured but he is being checked in on today (the 12th of September) for further testing and a complete check-up. Two people from the Mercedes were also transported to the hospital and treated for minor injuries.
Always quick to make official statements regarding these things, YG has issued a statement that Seungri was physically unhurt and that he was not drunk driving.
Though it is good on the surface that we’re being told that he was uninjured, it brings to mind the accident that actress Gong Hyo Jin was involved in several months ago. Similar reports were made about her accident, down-playing her injuries and the severity of the crash itself. However, we recently found out that it was in fact a three-car accident in which she was hurt quite severely, has needed psychological help since the crash and, now that her drama That’s Ok, It’s Love has ended, she will be receiving physical therapy to finish her recovery. We here at Officially KMusic hope that the reports we are hearing about Seungri’s well-being are completely accurate and that his health and well-being will be a priority to him and his management team.
Edited by: Alona Sass
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