Sexy concepts maybe the in thing right now but the line between sexy and raunchy is very fine. Of course that line is also very different for everyone.
Girls Day may have crawled seductively on the floor and showed off the shorts they were wearing through the slit in their dress, AOA rubbed their own butts and each others, as well as unzipping (or is that upzipping) the zipper on their skirts to expose more leg and Rainbow Blaxx and Dal’Shabet both did some provocative moves of their own. Over all they all managed to walked that line and balanced the sex appeal with other elements to make their concept “sexy” and not “raunchy”.
Stellar may have unfortunately teetered on the line and for some people taken the fall all together. Combining skin tight leotard outfits with butt rubbing, breast rubbing and some very pronounced butt shaking would have probably had them rated 19+ alone. The rest of the video for “Marionette” ensures that it received the rating, regardless of the dance. The girls go around half dressed and there are all sorts of racy camera zooms. From lying in bed to lounging in a bath of milk, to having milk run down the chin of one girl as the camera follows the path of the spill.
The song itself seems to be receiving the best comments but most people are having trouble getting around the music video to give the song a chance. There is probably no doubt that the girls will be unable to perform the dance for the song as it stands on the music shows. The altered version, if they do have to alter it, will be interesting to compare to the original.
Check out Stellar’s comeback below and let us know what you think in the comment section, did Stellar cross the line? Or are they still walking it?
Source: CJ E&M Music YouTube
Article by: Angelspatience
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