For those of you who live in Seoul and love Thunder … you are in incredible luck.
Very eagerly so, MBLAQ‘s Thunder announced on his official Twitter the following, “문나이트 2월21일 세종문화회관 m 시어터에서 첫공연합니다! 많이 보러와주세요!”
Translation, “Moon Knight on February 21st, the first performance at the Sejong Center m Theatre! Come see a lot!”
The post received over one thousand retweets and very many excited fans!
Mark the date on your calendar!
Date: February 21
Where: Sejong Center m Theatre
Are you excited for this event? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: shpthunder
Article by: Nikki
Edited by: Karolina
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry