First lets make it clear, this is just my opinion. I tried to take in consideration the general opinion I have heard or in some cases the lack of, on the groups for this list and the list I will be making for top 10 rookies. In both lists are groups I like and don’t like and if they ended up on the list it was because the main opinion I heard on my wanderings on the internet gave me the impression they weren’t as good/bad as I thought they were.
Enough of the disclaimer, lets get to the good stuff!
#10 BP Pop – Today
Debuting all the way back in January, BP Pop is a 5 member girl group. Their debut track “Today” was meet with mixed reactions. Personally I didn’t feel they did anything to make themselves stand out from all the other girl groups. They opted for the cutesy sound and look and honestly I didn’t feel they pulled it off very well. Reading comments on their live performance most seemed to feel the girls needed more practice and stamina.
#9 Say Yes – Feel Good
It was August for the 5 boys of Say Yes when they debuted and while they really didn’t do anything wrong, their debut to me hit a sour note. Now I normally don’t do this, but it kind of hits you in the face. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional or maybe it was, who knows. But Say Yes sounded way to much like CN Blue. Their good, I’m not going to take that away from them, but their debut song sounds very similar to CN Blue’s “Loner“. Every other comment on videos of them is “They sound like CN Blue“. Now they still have a nice following but debuting with a sound so similar to such a popular group and one of their famous songs in my opinion isn’t good.
#8 Turan – Bang Bang Bang
I’m going to blame this one on their company, I can see a glimmer of potential in this 7 member girl group who debuted back in July, but it’s faint. Between the awful English and what seems to me the girls lack of stage awareness, “Bang Bang Bang” was a miss miss miss. With a little more preparation and a better song the girls may not have made it to this list.
#7 Heart Rabbit Girls – Round And Round
Back in February this unfortunately named group made their debut with “Round And Round”. They almost made it to this list on their name alone, but their music video made sure that they were destined to make this list. Who ever decided on their main outfits really needs to be shot. I don’t completely have a problem with them being cute that most of the commenters seem to have but I think the combination of them being cute and the clothes was too much. I’ve read that their target market might not have been the average Kpop fan but regardless, the concept should fit the look of the girls.
#6 Peach Girl – Fox Fur Muffler
So many things! The stylist should be shot, their makeup artist should go back to school as should their acting coach! They only debuted in November I’m hoping if they make a comeback they are able to achieve the polish they need and a concept that suits them better.
#5 M.I.K – Get Away
M.I.K might have thought back in July when they debuted that doing a remix sound from 1999 would give them an edge. Well I’ll give them kudos for trying, but that’s all I can give them. “Get Away” does not jive with me, and even if you add the views on all the versions of their music video I don’t think it will even reach 20,000. Granted I’m only learning Korean, and I don’t understand much at all, but when the rapper whips out his “light speed” rapping I just find it so forced it makes me cringe.
#4 Wa$$up – Wassup
Ok so this is the first group on this list that I personally actually like! I’ve followed them since their debut back in August and really enjoy this song and their follow up song “Nom Nom Nom”. Unfortunately I have to place them on this list for their debut music video. The twerking! Why did they have to go there? I don’t mind Kpop progressing and taking inspiration from other places but some things should be left alone. I like their style of music and just hope that they can get past their debut image.
#3 Delight – Mega Yak
The second group on this list I like. But right from the start reading the comments I knew they weren’t going to go over well. Maybe because I went through a phase growing up were I listened to Metallica and Rage Against The Machine I personally am not bothered by the screaming in the song. They also partially made this list because of their follow up track, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group do this before, but to me it almost seems they have gotten less polished since their debut.
#2 Purplay – Love And Remember
This one is a sore spot for me. I don’t blame the 4 girls of Purplay for what happened, even though it was announced that they had a hand in helping create the choreography. But who’s to say that wasn’t said for publicity. For those who don’t know about Purplay, they debuted in February and were immediately surrounded in controversy, at least from an international fan stand point. I know choreography gets reused all the time, in small parts. But Purplay took a whole section of a routine created by America’s Best Dance Crew i.aM.mE and claimed it as their own. After numerous comments and tweets, even from one of the members of i.aM.mE, Purplay’s entertainment company got permission to use the choreography and gave credit to who deserved it. Unfortunately the damage was done, I hope they can overcome it because I did like the song.
#1 N.O.M – A Guys
I’m willing to bet a lot of you are going “Who?“. If you subscribe to Eat Your Kimich’s YouTube channel you may have recently been exposed (no pun intended) to them from the EYK 2013 Awards. But for those of you who have no clue what I’m talking about, prepare yourself. N.O.M which stands for “Nature Of Men” debuted back in August with “A Guys”. I am still unclear exactly what the deal is, but from what I can gather, they are not getting any playtime in Korea because their entertainment company decided they should debut with a “gay concept“. Now this confuses me seeing that their song is about girls. What a “gay concept” seems to mean is the style of their dress and how they dance. Though some news sites have reported that the 4 men of N.O.M are in fact gay, but I have not found anything confirming this particular statement. I personally don’t have a problem with how they are dressed, *cough*, do I think they went overboard, most certainly, especially for Korea.
Well that’s it, the top 10 misses for rookie groups for 2013, according to me! Feel free to comment and discuss my choices, agree or disagree. Watch out for the next article for the top 10 hits for rookie groups for 2013!!!
Article by: Angelspatience
Edited by: Alona
- Excited 1100%
- Angry 00%
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- Bored 00%
- Amused 00%
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