Apparently Trouble Maker are not done attempting to turn heads in the Kpop industry.
Earlier today the duo uploaded an uncut version of their latest single “Now” onto their official YouTube channel.
This time around we are given more of a story line to what is going on in the video. With Hyunseng playing the roll of an assassin and Hyuna as his girlfriend.
At some point apparently Hyuna has had enough and they have a fight but reconcile after both of them go on different very unidol like binges.
Hyunseng then gets another gig as an assassin but it looks like it might of been a set up, he escapes but get’s caught in the exact same situation we see him first kill a target.
Hyuna’s ending where she is waiting for Hyunseung is perfectly portrayed. She really does give off the vibe off someone desperately waiting for a loved one to come home.
Fair warning, watch the MV at your own discretion, it is a little violent.
Source: Trouble Maker Oficial YouTube
Article by: Angelspatience
Edited by: Alona
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry