WINNER is all about competition, especially in their recent CF ( commercialized film) for “Pizza Etang!” Members Mino and Taehyun showcased their serious culinary skills as they battled to create the perfect pizza.
In the video, you see Mino and Taehyun split up into two teams, both are expected to create the perfect pizza while using only the freshest ingredients to create a delectable slice. The other members were the judges, as they sampled the boys pizza pies by taking hefty bites. In the end, you are left on a cliff hanger as to who the winner is between the sweet and spicy pizzas, that is because the winners won’t be decided just yet. It will be chosen by customers who buy the pizzas from November 11th through December 31st.
Check out the clip below!
Who had the best dish, Mino or Taehyun? Comment below!
Source: 서영인 Official YouTube
Edited by: Laura Dees
- Excited 1100%
- Angry 00%
- Sad 00%
- Bored 00%
- Amused 00%
- Fascinated 00%