Today marked the release of Chad Futures English remix of EXO‘s hit song, WOLF, featuring the voice of Drew Ryan Scott!
If you haven’t seen this amazing video yet, check it out below! Afterwards, scroll down and take a peak at his exclusive interview with us where he gets down to the core on his music, videos and what makes Chad Future who he is today!
How long does it usually take to create a MV and what is the hardest part?
Every music video is different, but It usually takes 2 weeks to plan, 1 to 2 days to film and at least a week of editing. So, about a month process total.
I really love and enjoy the process of creating music videos so no part is really too hard. I’d say the most challenging would be dance training (if there is choreography) and organizing so many people in the overall project.
How long was the WOLF process and what was your favorite part?
The Wolf English Remix was quite a big project. In total I think we spent about a month start to finish. It started with the writing process. I had to go thru all the lyrics and translate them, but still have it make sense & rhyme in English. I also wanted to keep the concept from the original song, but make it “cooler” and a little less cheesy. (They actually have a line in the original about eating a girl like Cheese.)
After I finished my first pass on the song, Drew Ryan Scott came in and re-wrote most of his lyrics. (If you don’t know Drew, He’s one of the most successful Writers/Producers in K-Pop. Having wrote songs for Super Junior, Shinee, Girls Generation, Vixx, Tae-Yang, A-Jax, TVXQ and more.)
For the music arrangement, I let my producer Baby Dee have creative freedom. (Baby Dee is also a Producer for Def Jam and recently had a top 40 hit with Collie Buddz, “Playback”) Baby Dee made it darker, dirtier and more dangerous. The dub-step ending was brilliant too– He’s such a talented producer and I’m grateful to be working with him and the team.
After recording the vocals, we spent 4 days over the month mixing and mastering. My Engineer Jaime Velez at Media Temple LA worked overtime on the song too, he really made the sound come to life.
For the Music Video, We filmed in the same studio Fall Out Boy, Evanescence and Avril Lavigne record in. It’s a huge studio in LA called Ocean Studios. They are a big fan of my music and videos, so they were very kind to accommodate us for the filming. We filmed all night and edited for about a week. Much love to the entire team that was there every step of the way!
What were you thinking of when you wrote the lyrics to “Wolf”?
Obviously, the original song is already great and they did most of the hard work for me. My main goal was to just to make it Cool, Stick to the concept of the original and update it for American listeners.
How long did it take you to write this song?
I think the writing process took a few days, then Drew Re-wrote his lyrics the day we recorded.
If you were to only keep one Wolf power, which would you wanna keep?
Wolves have Night vision abilities that are far better than the average human. So, I would love to have that– Maybe then I would be a Secret Agent or a Ninja instead of a Singer. haha
In EXO’s full album ‘XOXO’, what was your favorite song?
Which version do you like better? Chinese Version or Korean? Why?
Since I’m studying and learning Korean, I try to only listen to the Korean version’s of each song. Both versions are great, I just can’t confuse my brain with too many languages right now. haha
What was your favorite cover project you’ve done so far and why?
This most current one, Wolf, was by far the best experience. Every one on the team put 110% in and I honestly love the sound & feel of it.
What do you enjoy most about your career path?
I get to wake up every day and do what I love, with people I love: Create music and video for a worldwide audience. I love to entertain, inspire and motivate people.
When things get tough, do you have a certain motto, person or even a song that keeps you going?
When things get tough (and it does for everyone sometimes) I really take account of everything in my life that I’m grateful for. My family, My health, my home, my life, everything. When you take a second to look at what you have already, you’ll instantly feel better. It’s important to always be grateful everyday if we want more good things to come into our lives.
How old were you when you decided to pursue your career as an artist?
Since I was like 10 years old I always loved entertaining people. Then in High School I started doing Theatre and that totally transformed my life. I basically lived at the Theatre and spent 6 of my 7 High School hours in Theatre and Choir classes. I did every single play in High School and had an amazing group of friends who inspired me and we had so much fun together. It’s a big turning point in my life and I’m so grateful for it.
What inspired you to become an artist?
Growing up in a small town in Michigan, There wasn’t much to do. You have to make your own fun. Most kids got into drugs or trouble, but I put all my energy into creating things. So, in a way, my City inspired me. I have so much love for Detroit and Michigan. It’s in my soul with everything I make. I watched a lot of music videos growing up and listened to a lot of music. I remember waking up when I was like 10 years old and starting my day watching music videos with my Dad before school started. All through my life, I’ve just been obsessed with Music Videos. They are perfect 4 minute bites of time, They are a time stamp of that time period. So, in summary, Michigan and Music Videos inspired me the most.
Who’s your role model? Why?
I respect anyone that has artistic freedom, is a good leader, role model, crosses boundaries and does what’s Next. Will.I.Am comes to mind first. Will is a trend setter and one of the first big American artists to go on record saying they love K-Pop. People have often said that my personality is a lot like Will’s, and I appreciate that. He’s a trend setter and always working hard.
What’s your life goal as of right now?
Influence as many people as possible in a positive way. Motivate, Lead and be a good role model.
Also, have a Number 1 song in USA. Number 1 song in Korea. Perform on M-Countdown. TV show. Collaborations with the best artists in America, Korea and the World. Have a World Tour performing for fans and giving them the best show imaginable. Love my fans. Give more to the world than I take.
Do you have a special message or advice you’d like to share with your ‘Time Travelers’ hoping to follow in your footsteps?
Do exactly what you want to do in life, no matter how crazy it might seem. Think of the biggest dream you can, believe you can actually have it and go for it.
Don’t listen to what anyone else says, don’t let anyone try and stop you from living your dream. No matter what it is.
Realize that you are UNLIMITED. You have no limits. None. Anyone who tells you that you can’t do it is absolutely wrong. Live your dream, work hard, surround yourself with great people.
And remember, the most important thing: Everything is in your mind. So weather you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you are right. It’s so important to visualize what you want and see it before you actually do it.
[Get to know CF – Quick answer]
Favorite food?
Milk and Cereal and Korean BBQ (but not at the same time, haha)
Wolf or Vampire?
Favorite TV show?
2NE1 TV, Freaks and Geeks, Home Movies, Instant Star, Pete & Pete
Coke or Pepsi?
Favorite color?
Hot Pink and Cool Aqua Blue
Shoe size?
6 foot / 182.8 CM
Favorite band?
Right now? BAP
Suit or jeans?
haha, I haven’t worn a suit in 3 years
Favorite Entertainment Company?
YG & SM & TS
What’s your sign?
Thank you K-Music and everyone reading! I appreciate all your love and support!
For more Chad Future, please subscribe to his YouTube channel where he uploads amazing “Future Friday” videos for you ‘Time Travelers.’ Don’t forget to follow his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!
Source: Chad Future
Article by: Alona
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