TS Entertainment released an official statement on (October 25) regarding B.A.P.’s leader, Bang Yongguk’s health concerns and him missing out our on some of ‘NOIR’s’ early promotions.
Original Statement:
<B.A.P 컴백 관련 공식 입장>
안녕하세요, TS 엔터테인먼트입니다.
오는 11월 7일 B.A.P의 두 번째 정규 앨범 <Noir> 발표를 앞두고 많은 응원을 보내주시는 모든 분들께 감사의 인사를 드립니다.
안타까운 소식을 전해드려 송구합니다만, 리더인 방용국 군이 건강상의 문제로 병원을 찾은 결과, 공황 장애 진단을 받았습니다.
이에 당사는 본인 및 멤버들과의 논의 끝에 방용국 군의 빠른 회복을 최우선으로 이번 정규 앨범 활동은 5인으로 시작하기로 결정하였습니다. 동시에 방용국 군은 전문적인 치료를 통해 쾌유하는 데에만 집중할 수 있도록 조치할 예정입니다.
심혈을 기울여 준비한 앨범이고 멤버들과 팬분들 모두 오랫동안 기다려온 정규 앨범인 만큼, 리더의 빈 자리를 메우기 위해 5인이 더욱 열심히 하는 모습을 보여드리도록 하겠습니다.
앞으로도 B.A.P에 지속적인 관심과 응원 부탁드립니다.
English Translation:
<Re. B.A.P’s comeback promotion>
Hello, this is TS Entertainment.
First of all, we highly appreciate your kind support to B.A.P’s 2nd full-length album <Noir> which will be released on November 7.
We’re very sorry to inform you that the leader, Bang Yong Guk, is diagnosed with the panic disorder followed by his visit to doctor to check his health condition.
After a few long and intense discussions with Yong Guk and other members, putting his fast recovery as our top priority, we decided to start the album promotion without him so that he can solely focus on his recovery throughout the professional treatment.
As you know well, this full-length album has been worked for a couple of months and all the members and all the BABYs have been waiting for a long time. So, the other members committed to work much harder to fulfill the leader’s absence.
Please keep an eye on B.A.P and we look forward to your continuous support and love.
Japanese Translation:
<B.A.P カムバック関連公式文面>
来る11月7日、B.A.Pの2枚目のフルアルバム <Noir> 発売に先立ち、沢山の応援を送ってくださる全ての方へ感謝の気持ちを申し上げます。
Chinese Translation:
<B.A.P 发售新专辑关联公布>
今年11月7日,B.A.P的第二张正规专辑<Noir>发售之前, 表示感谢助威的所有人。
We here at Officially Kmusic wish him a speedly recovery.
Hopefully he will get better soon and can join the rest of the members as soon as possible. Rest well, Yongguk! Fighting!
Stay tuned to Officially Kmusic as we bring you the latest in Korean Entertainment!
Source: B.A.P.’s Official Facebook
Edited by: Gigi Estilo
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