ZE:A may have concluded their promotions for “The Ghost Of Wind” but they decided to give their fans a special treat and released some behind the scene footage from both the jacket photo shot and the music video shoot.
In the jacket making clip we see the boys, Kevin, Kwanghee, Siwan, Junyoung, Taeheon, Heechul, Minwoo, Hyungsik and Dongjun, hard at work taking all the pictures for the album. With outfit changes and interesting makeup accessories we get a glimpse of what went into making this particular album.
The video is also full of little gems to give us a better idea into the personalities of these entertaining boys. Everything from Hyungsik’s manner legs when the stylist tries to fix his hair, to what appears to be, Junyoung keeping an eye on the other’s shoots, as well as Kwanghee acting quite the pabo for everyone’s entertainment.
All the boys also seem to take turns doing a little aegyo for the camera, which is sure to make all their fans’ hearts flutter just a little.
In the music video making clip, we can see just how hard these 9 boys worked. Multiple times we can see the sweat so thick on their foreheads it’s soaked their hair. They stand in front of the air conditioners and fan themselves to try and cool off before jumping back in to do it all. At one point we even see leader, Junyoung grabbing a nap on the couch.
Check out both videos for yourselves in the meantime.
Source: ZE:A Official YouTube
Article by: Angelspatience
Edited by: KareBare
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