Zico from Block B has released the full length music video for “Tough Cookie” to decidedly mixed reviews. I saw the music video when it first came out but I just had to digest the song and music video before I wrote this article. Now, I want to say I like Block B and I like Zico, but I think in this case I have to be honest. Like really, really honest.
This song had all the potential in the world to be awesome, epic , and all that good stuff, when in reality, it was just a hot mess. Let’s start with the video; it is 19 + and that is fine. I have no problem with that, it happens, it is whatever. In fact, of all the things wrong with this music video that is the least offensive thing. But in case you have not seen it, check it out below. Then I will tell you what I thought.
To start this off, I think when they were getting the props for the music video the conversation had to go like this . “Hey I need every hokie and cliche American thing you have.” For example the “Confederate Flag” that make more than one appearance in this music video. I can’t think that Zico set out to use the it a symbol of anything and more than likely that jacket came to him with it attached. But if you watch enough K-Pop music videos you see random American culture reference all the time that make no sense. On its own, this would be no big deal. Same with the grill, silly and not needed but not the end of the world.
Now the females with their dancing and, shall we say, suggestive fruit-eating habits. I just chalk that up to keep with the theme that Zico (or whoever directed this video) was trying to put on, again doesn’t bother me, it’s not that serious. I grew up listening to American hip hop and rap so that was nothing. In fact it was funny just how ridiculous it was . Let’s be honest here, we have all seen girl groups do a lot worse than what we saw here. I am not going to name anyone in particular but if you think about it, I am sure you can come up with a few.
Then there is the language “F” , “N” , “B”, “P” or whatever letter of the you pick . I don’t use these words but, it is whatever. No, Zico nor anyone really, does not need to be using them. But I didn’t even find it offensive. But after a while I just quit listening, to be honest.
Individually, these things can be over looked. In every case, there are groups or individual artists who do the same thing. But when you throw all these together, I am reminded why I stopped listening to American music in the first place.
I think it all come down to the theme he was trying to portray with this music video and song I wish I could go back in time find the people who decided that in order to be “tough” , get “cred” or whatever means you have to be a giant a%# hat and I would stop them. Because guess what, you can achieve all of that and still be cool and classy. There’s a laundry list of people who do just that, people like Verbal Jint, Swings, Dynamic Duo and Taewoon.
Then there is Don Mills , I find him amazing. Amazing that he has a music career. In case you don’t know who he is has his name tattoo’d on his arm (this is not the article for me to get started on that). I have checked out his other “work” and he does have a very specific talent; a talent to take an otherwise good song and completely ruin it. I listened to the song again and tried to be unbiassed and judge the song for what it was . And you know what I found the song to be, basic. And no one likes basic.
I know that Zico can do better, I have heard and seen Zico do better. Heck I could write a whole separate article talking about how much better Zico is than this. So next time Zico, dear, dump Don Mills he is not in your league you have to carry him like a suit case and don’t worry about sounding western and just do what I know you can do and kill it.
Source: CJ E & M Entertainment Official YouTube
Edited by: LeighDarling
- Fascinated 2100%
- Angry 00%
- Sad 00%
- Bored 00%
- Amused 00%
- Excited 00%