As planned, Colde has made his hot return with a new EP album called ‘Wave‘. Part of this album comes a total of eight unique tracks. With this album comes the MV for his title track, ‘Sunflower‘ and the MV for his pre-released track, ‘Freedom‘. He definitely is showing his all through this album. So, check out the music videos below!
As many knows, he had participated in the survival show, ‘Breakers‘. Through this show, he shows his unique style and how well he can produce tracks. Many of the contestants through this show have gone on to release their albums. So, Colde is up next with an album of his own. Even though he had shown perfection previously in his older albums, he continues to present perfection on the table with yet another amazing album. In particular, ‘Freedom‘ is a beautiful track that highlights the beauty of his voice. This track itself is quite soothing to listen with the lovely guitar guiding the melody. It definitely puts people into a relaxing and chilling mood that people love to be in. He rides the beats like no other and it is nice to see him going with a groovy melody.
‘Sunflower‘ is another beautiful track to relax to. The beats definitely drown you out of your life into a magical world. It takes you to places and really captures your attention to the end. The way he sings brings in the laidback vibes and it gives you that lazy concept. Because of that, it is just soothing to listen to. One can really enjoy the way he sings. Overall, he has presented a great album that anyone can enjoy.
So, be sure to check out the music videos above. Which did you like more? Let us know in the comments below!
Officially Kmusic will keep you updated, so stay tuned!
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Written and edited by Tracey
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