ELRIS had made their return with ‘Sunny Summer‘. As a way to thank their fans, they have revealed a special clip of ‘Lovely‘. So, check it out below!
What makes this clip special is the amount of close-ups fans get to see throughout the video. They all look too cute throughout the video, showing off their unique charms that fans have grown to love. So, when it comes to the member that sings, they are normally shown singing along while looking too cute. There are also many interactions between members as they act adorably with one another. It is definitely a sight to see.
On top of that, this kind of cuteness works so well with ‘Lovely‘. The track itself is quite bright in colour and so brings out the beauty of their voice. It is also a perfect fit for summer where the lovely acoustic guitar brings out the pitch and ultimately allows fans to witness how clear their voices can be.
So, check out the track above. What do you think of ‘Lovely‘ for BLRIS? Let us know in the comments below!
Officially Kmusic will keep you updated, so stay tuned!
Source (1)
Written and edited by Tracey
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry