Well Dongwoo and Hoya just keep the ball rolling, don’t they? First a music video teaser for “Pretty“, then they reveal the track list for “Fly Again“, and now, they give us a teaser video for the making of the album. What more could they possibly give us?
It’s only a short teaser and we don’t get to see much, but we do get to hear what could possibly be the intro or another song on the album. We’ll just have to wait and find out what the background music actually is.
We catch fast glimpses and picture stills from the “Fly Again” album photo shoot. And in some of the video, we can see Dongwoo and Hoya doing what they do best; dance. Those boys can never seem to stay still, not even during a photo shoot.
If you haven’t yet, you can watch Infinite H‘s “Fly Again” Making teaser video below!
A preview video, which we had said is the album preview has now been moved to the 22nd, previously supposed to be released on the 21st and the making for it will be on the 26th, according to their updated schedule.
We will let you know of any other schedule changes in the articles to come so stayed tuned at Officially KMusic for more news on Infinite H as they make their comeback!
Sources: Woolliment’s YouTube Channel, Naver
Edited by: Alona Sass
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry