Fans can all agree that SHINee’s Taemin’s new image is not only sexy, but also an eye-opener that our sweet little maknae is all grown up. A common phrase used to describe Taemin’s new look by Shawols is “Tae-Minnie is now Tae-MAN”. In a recent interview, Taemin discussed his solo debut and album, “ACE”, growing up in the public eye, and what it was like to work with world-reknowned choreographer Ian Eastwood.
During the interview, Taemin acknowledges how the public viewed him, and how it pushed him to show himself as a serious artist. He also talks about finding his own “voice” that separates him from SHINee, while trying to convey the perfect lyrics and a concept that will attract a more mature audience. Taemin pointed out that SHINee’s songs/choreography are unrealistic when it comes to love, so that pushed him to want to create a more relatable concept. He had help from his choreographer Ian Eastwood, to create a choreography that would appeal to his target audience. Taemin mentioned that all this was made possible by the support of his fellow members, that he misses very much.
Taemin’s debut solo album “ACE” is doing performing well on the music charts, even being placed at number 2 on the Billboard World Album Chart. His title track, “DANGER,” achieved 1st place on MBC Music Core and KBS Music Bank.
What do you think of Taemin’s sexy, grown-up image?
Source: My Daily
Edited by: Laura Dees
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