South Club have released a new MV teaser clip for their song ‘Grown Up‘, which is a song from their album ‘20‘.
In the MV teaser, the band members are in a playground, hanging out and joking around and being anything but ‘Grown Up‘.
The lyrics to the song are about having to grow up and act like an adult when you’re actually not ready to do that. Nam Taehyun is lamenting the end of a relationship and vowing to get over it and be more grown up. Vocally the song is beautifully rounded with the vocal layering surpassing any other track on the album.
Despite undergoing some line-up changes keyboardist with the exit of Choi Yun-hee, as well as bassist Kim Eui-Myeong, but that was offset by the entry of the equally talented bassist Nam Dong-hyun, brother of Nam Taehyun.
Check out South Club’s MV teaser for ‘Grown Up’
What do you think of the teaser for ‘Grown Up‘ from South Club? Have you listened to the song in full on the album already? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Written and edited by Narelle
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