[UPDATE] 2013 UKISS Showcase & Fan Party in Jakarta || 26-27 April 2013 || Britama Arena-Sportsmall Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Ticket details: http://oppaoppalive.com/
Order/Upgrade/Refund : http://oppaoppalive.com/
Please refer this section to find answer for your questions.
Kindly drop question on comment section, we’ll update the answer regularly.
About the Event:
UKISS Showcase & Fan Party 2013 in Jakarta
26-27 April 2013
Britama Arena-Sportsmall Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
starts from 6.30pm
Venue Location Map : http://www.sportsmall-id.com/denah/peta-lokasi-sportsmall-kelapa-gading.html
All 7 members of U-KISS will come for the showcase & fan party. yes, AJ is included.
26 April 2013: Fan Party (fan sign, hug, group photo, dinner session)
27 April 2013: Showcase session will be consist of 10 songs, games, chit chat session & surprise segment. High Five session. Duration will be around 2 hours (and maybe more)
List of Fan Service Party : Fan Sign, High Five, Hug session, Dinner, Kiss (*please refer to ticket explanation below)
Ticket & Benefit:
- KISS ME OPPA Rp 2.500.000,-* (Numbered seat+Card ticket +Dinner + Hug on dinner session + Fan sign & High Five all member + Group Photo)
- KISS ME FANSIGN Rp 1.500.000,-* (Numbered seat + Card ticket + Fan sign all member)
- KISS ME HIGHFIVE+ PHOTO Rp 1.500.000,-* (Numbered seat + Card ticket + high5 all member + a photo from hi5 session )
- FESTIVAL Rp 800.000,-* (Free standing + Print signed poster all member)
- TRIBUN GOLD Rp 500.000,- * (Free seating)
- TRIBUN SILVER Rp 250.000,- * (Free seating)
*Exclude VAT 10%
Extra Benefit:
1. ‘Free Hug Session’ during showcase for lucky/selected Kiss Me & Festival ticket holders by lucky draw system.
2. ‘KISS from your bias’ for 7 lucky fans from ALL TICKET CLASS
*T&C applied
How to purchase the ticket ?
1. You can purchase all ticket class directly on www.oppaoppalive.com or send an email to ticket@oppaoppalive.com with following format:
Subject : TICKET ORDER_(ticket class name)
Name :
ID number :
Ticket class :
Quantity :
Phone Number :
We will reply with booking confirmation and detail information of payment (bank transfer only).
*Please be informed that you can purchase KISSME OPPA ticket class only from us.
2. For remaining ticket class:
from Kissme Fansign, Kissme High5+Photo, Festival, Tribun Gold & Tribun Silver, you can order to promoter or through partner Trilogy Live network :
• Trilogy Live
Online : www.trilogylive.com
Offline: Jl. Cipaku V no.15 Kebayoran Baru Jaksel 021-7208642
(offline open on January 2nd, 2013)
• Ibu Dibjo
Online: www.ibudibjo.com
Offline: Jl. Cikini Raya no 58 Jakarta
Phone: 31931178/3100386/081384110135
• Jakarta Concerts
Online: www.jakartaconcerts.com
mobile : 08158041187
• Duta Suara
Offline: Komplek Ruko Aneka Elok b A2 No. 15
phone : 021-5725319
mobile : 08129716732
• Disc Tara
Offline: all outlets
Jl. Pesanggrahan Raya No. 17 5
phone : 5847861 / 91013993
mobile : 081231011931 /083898585780
• Kios tix
Ruko golden boulevrd R2/38-39 jl pahlawan
phone : 71039781/53163238
• tiket.com
Online: www.tiket.com
Jl. Kawi no. 45 Setiabudi-Jaksel
phone: 021-83782020
• yes24.co.id
festival : http://www.yes24.co.id/Display/ProductDetailFashion.aspx?FCategoryNo=460720&ProductNo=652703
tribun gold : http://www.yes24.co.id/Display/ProductDetailFashion.aspx?FCategoryNo=460720&ProductNo=652704
tribun silver : http://yes24.co.id/Display/ProductDetailFashion.aspx?FCategoryNo=460720&ProductNo=652705
• RajaKarcis
For seating area, can I choose the seat number?
Unfortunately not. Tickets will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Seat number will be based on payment transaction, not redeem order.
Limited seats available for KISS ME OPPA category.
How many tickets can I purchase?
You can buy the ticket as many as you and your friends need.
I am living overseas, how can i buy the ticket ?
If you have difficulties during the purchase, please contact us: ticket@oppaoppalive.com
When is the dinner session for KISS ME Oppa ticket holder?
The dinner session will be held on 26 April at night. Venue will be informed to ticket holder directly.
How far is the KISS ME area to the stage? Can i see UKISS clearly ?
It’s not really far. We’ll make sure everyone can see UKISS clearly.
KISS ME area will be higher than Festival area, so your view wouldn’t be blocked.
Can I bring a board/sign/placard into the event?
You can bring it but please mind other audience. Please don’t make it too big, so it won’t block view of the people behind you.
Can I bring gift for UKISS member?
Yes, you can. You can give it directly during the fansign/highfive session or put it on gift corner at the venue.
Please consider the weight and size too.
More info, please visit www.oppaoppalive.com, twitter @oppaoppa_live , FB FanPage: oppaoppalive or hotline +6221-97778281
Source: OppaOppaLive
Article by: Mir
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