Just 7 months and a new member later, Red Velvet will soon be unveiling the name for their official fandom, but before they can they need to find local supporters for the rookie girl group to lead the fandom.
On March 17th, the news was unveiled on their official website along with a notice titled “Red Velvet Official Fanclub – Supporters Recruitment Guide,” they revealed along with a confirmed fan club name that they are also looking to recruit a formal team to lead the fandom. Those who are interested in the position of being local leaders in guiding the Red Velvet fan club will undergo a series of interviews until March 29th. After they unveiled the team, the fandoms official name will follow.
Fans have already been suspecting the rookie groups fandoms name since their debut, many have called it “cupcakes” along the line since Red Velvet has such a sweet ring to it. The guess game connects the group and the possible fandom names with pastries.
If you’re interested in the position and you are a local, visit Red Velvet’s Official Site and apply for the position.
What do you think their fandom name will be? Comment below!
Source:Red Velvet Website
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