LOONA continue to drop more image teaser for their eighth member, Choerry. She is posing in many of the images with some quotes on each! So, check them out below!
In the first image, Choerry is seen laying comfortably on the ground. She is looking directly up at the camera with her hair looking so beautiful! On top of that, she is seen in the colour purple. The quote that is found on this image is “Red Blue Purple, Perfecting a new circle“. What does this mean?
In her second image, she is standing up against the white wall. With her blank face on, she is again seen in quite a beautiful outfit that matches up with the colour purple. Once again the same quote is seen; is this implying a collaboration track between Jinsoul (Blue), Kim Lip (Red) and Choerry (Purple)?
Meanwhile, LOONA continues to tease for Choerry‘s solo track by revealing more image teasers. She definitely is someone who loves the colour purple and is seen with purple all the time. It matches well with her skin tone, allowing her to shine more brightly in her image.
Accompanying these latest images is this: “Choerry Blossom. Choerry is about to bloom“. It could indicate the kind of concept Choerry will be going for. It may be spring related or something sweet and beautiful for the summer! What do you think this could mean?
There is also another message: “One thing in common between Choerry and Cherry. Choerry Coming Soooon.” So, that would mean that Choerry will be dropping her solo track soon! Are you excited to see what she will showcase?
Stay tuned to Officially Kmusic for more information on Choerry single track!
Source (1)
Written and edited by: Tracey
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