SNSD-Oh!GG continues to go strong with their latest concept photos. This time, we get to see their individual photos. So, check it out below!
So, unlike their outfits in their group teaser, we see more colour in these individual teasers. Each one of them showcases their refreshing look that is quite fierce. Because of that, they are able to give out that sexy vibe that they can pull off so well. Taeyeon is seen resting on the stairs with lighting that helps bring gradient to the colour of the image. Taeyeon can look both fierce and cute at the same time!
Meanwhile, the way Yuri‘s hair has been done, it gives it that fresh and cool look to it. Furthermore, the green touch to her outfit helps enhance the look she is going for. Hyoyeon looks mysterious in her image. She definitely has a stare that can kill may fans’ heart. She knows what fans love! Sunny in her black outfit is intense and that earring she is wearing goes so well together. Finally, Yoona just looks so elegant as she stares off into space. SNSD-Oh!GG knows what they are doing and are pulling off this majestic look so well!
Meanwhile, SNSD-Oh!GG is ready to bring down the house on September 5th. Are you ready for that day? Let us know in the comments below!
Officially Kmusic will keep you updated, so stay tuned!
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Written and edited by Tracey
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- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
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- Angry